Namdapha Tiger Reserve is in Arunachal Pradesh.
This 1,985 km² park is a real gem, boasting more than 1,000 floral and 1,400 faunal species. It’s like a giant playground for nature lovers and animal enthusiasts.
We’re talking about a trek through the northernmost lowland evergreen rainforests in the world. Yes, you read that right. This park is located at 27°N latitude, so pack your sunscreen and your raincoat because it’s going to be a wild ride.
But don’t worry, it’s not all jungle trekking and leech dodging. We’ll also get to see some of the most exotic birds you’ve ever laid eyes on. Imagine waking up to the sound of the hornbills and the sight of the green magpies. It’s like a scene straight out of a National Geographic documentary.
But here’s the catch, the park is home to not one, not two, but four pantherine species: leopard, snow leopard, tiger, and clouded leopard. You may not spot them in dense jungle, but be assured, you would have been spotted.
For Namdapha you need your leech socks, stamina (your feet are all you need), a good camera or binoculars, and the right attitude – that is that you will enjoy everything you see without having expectations..