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Thiruparuthikundram Jain Temple – also known as Trilokyanatha Temple is a Jain Temple. But at the first sight of Dwajesthamba and by the oldness you can easily mistook it as a ubiquitous Shiva temple of that era. The paintings and the sculptures cleary portray the similarity of tradecraft of that era.   Though it boldy displays Dravidian architecture, the temple is associated with Digambara sect of Jainism.

The temple is believed to have been built during the reign of Pallava dynasty during the 8th century with later contribution from Medieval Cholas, later Pallavas and Vijayanagar kings. The temple is maintained by Tamil Nadu archaeological department. The temple tower is believed to have been constructed by Sage Pushpasena Vamanarya during 1199.

The temple is in the midst of the bustling town.

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