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Baripada Museum in Mayubhnaj district of Odisha was established way back in 1903 by the late Maharaja Shri Rama Chandra Bhanja of Mayurbhanj and it’s filled with rare artifacts that will leave you in awe.

From prehistoric stone sculptures to terracotta art pieces, this museum has it all. You might even stumble upon some historical documents that will take you on a journey through time.

The museum also has a library that’s stacked with guidebooks about the history of the artifacts on display. So, if you want to learn more about what you’re seeing, just head to the library and start reading.

Among the archaeological findings in the museum, you’ll find three Jaina relics, including an Ambika and a chaumukha. And if that’s not enough to pique your interest, then perhaps the Jagannatha Temple located near Baripada will do the trick. This temple, also known as the Haribaladeva Mahaprabhu Temple, is a stunning example of Kalingan architecture. It was built by Vidhyanath Bhanja back in 1575 CE and features a rekha vimana, pidha jagamohana, pidha ardhamandapa, and a flat mandapa, all standing over a common high pedestal within a large compound wall.

So, what are you waiting for? Pack your bags and head to Baripada to witness these rare artifacts and stunning architectural wonders. Who knows, you might even find yourself getting lost in the history and beauty of it all.

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