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Sri Sowmiya Narayanar Temple is a Lord Vishnu temple in Thirukoshtiyur in Sivaganga district of Tamil Nadu. The temple is one of the 108 divya desam and is the 95 in the series.

The Lord Vishnu here was worshipped by Periyalwar, Thirumangai Alwar, Thirumazhisai Alwar, Boothathalwar and Peryazhwar.

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Parking Difficulty : Easy
Walking Needed : Less than 100 meters inside the temple
Time Needed : 20-30 minutes
Open Timings : 5.00 AM to 12:00 Noon and from 4.00 PM to 8.00 PM
Still Photography : Not Allowed inside the Inner Sanctum
Video Photography : Not Allowed inside the Inner Sanctum
Moolavar : Sowmya Narayanar /Thirumamagal
Sthala Vruksham :
Theertham : Deva Pushkarani/Mahamagam
Traditional Name: Thirukottiyur
Hymn: Alwars
Tropical Climate for most part of the year. Wear Cotton (March-November)
Wear Traditional Dress. Cover yourself decently
Avoid Shoes
Nearest Railway Station : Karaikudi /Madurai Railway Station
Nearest Airport : Madurai Airport
Nearest National Highway : NH36
Nearest Landmark : On Sivaganga-Thirupathur Road

The temple houses Ashatanga Vimanam. Sri Ramanaujar has given a discourse above the temple gopuram about thirumandiram of Om Namo Narayana.

The temple covers an area of 2 acres and has huge granite walls. There two life size images of Narashimha, the avatar of Vishnu. One of them is shown holding the demon Hiranyakshipu and other slaying him.

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