Sri Rathnapurisvarar Temple is a Lord Shiva temple in Thirunatiyathankudi in Thiruvarur district in Tamil Nadu. It is one of the padal petra sthalam and Lord Shiva here was worshipped by Sundarar and Thirugnasambandar.
The temple shiva lingam is a swayambu moorthy. There is also a Kari theertham, a temple pond made by an elephant here. This place is also the avatara sthalam for Kotpuli Nayanar.
Padal Petra Sthalam
This is one of the 276 temples mentioned in Devaram which are collections of songs of these temples by Thirunavukkarasar, Thirugnasambandar, Sundarar and Manickavasagar. These collection of songs composed by the great saints describe many of these temples, deities, history, legends, sthala vruksha, temple ponds and other details about the god and temple.