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Ananta Vasudeva Temple, which means “the Infinite Vāsudeva temple ” – is dedicated to Lord Krishna, located in Bhubaneswar, the capital city of Odisha, India.

Constructed in the 13th century by Queen Chandrika, this temple houses idols of Lord Balarama, Lord Krishna, and Subhadra, but what sets it apart is the unique postures of the deities. Subhadra can be seen holding a pot of lotus and jewels in her hands, while Lord Krishna is holding a conch, a lotus, and a Chakra in his hand. The statue of Lord Balarama stands under a serpent with seven heads.

Apart from the beauty of the temple, it’s also famous for its delicious Prasad known as abhda. Cooked in earthen pots by age-old cooks, the Sathvik food is available in Anand Bazar at an affordable price. Many people carry it along with them after visiting the temple, but you can also sit on the ground and enjoy it there. Trust us, the food is heavenly, and you won’t regret trying it!

The temple’s Kalinga style of architecture is a sight to cheer. The intricate carvings on the pillars and walls depicting chapters from different Vaishnavite scriptures are simply mesmerizing. And if that’s not enough, the Gopuram (entrance tower) of the shrine is also carved with pictures of various gods and goddesses that portray various mythological stories. Oh, and did we mention the long Shikharas (spires) carved with various images? Yep, this temple has it all!

The main shrine is divided into four parts: the sanctum, Jagamohana, Bhogamandapa, and Natamandira. All prayers are performed in the worship hall called the Jagamohana, while Natamandira is where different festivals are celebrated. Bhogamandapa is the hall where devotees make offerings to the gods. So, whether you’re a religious person or just someone who appreciates architecture, the Ananta Vasudeva Temple is a must-visit destination in Bhubaneswar.

And the best part? Unlike the crowded Lingaraja Temple, this temple is not as large and is relatively less crowded, making it a perfect place to take some stunning pictures or simply soak in the peaceful ambiance.

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