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Are you ready for a trek up Jakhoo Hill to visit Rothney Castle?

As you make your way up the steep slopes, you’ll be greeted by the sweet serenade of chirping birds and the colorful blooms of wildflowers and berries. It’s like a Disney movie, but with less singing animals.

Once you reach the top, you’ll be rewarded with a view that will leave you breathless – and not just from the climb. The lush greenery surrounding the castle gives off serious Secret Garden vibes. Plus, you’ll be standing on a historical landmark, once home to the founder of the Indian National Congress and the Father of Ornithology himself, A.O. Hume.

Now, I know what you’re thinking – “a dilapidated castle? No thanks.” But hear me out! While the site may not be maintained like Buckingham Palace, the overgrown garden look gives it an air of mystery and adventure. It’s like exploring a hidden gem.

And wear comfortable shoes, my friends. This ain’t no stroll through the park. But don’t let that deter you – the best time to visit is between March and May, when the weather is pleasant and the skies are clear.

Now, before you start packing your bags, there are a couple of things you should know. Rothney Castle is private property, so you’ll need to talk to the caretaker to gain entry. And if you’re driving, take Forest Hill Road and Cart Road to get there. But once you arrive, get ready to be transported to a different time – one where British officers studied birds and political parties were formed in castles.

Happy exploring!

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